
Electrical guitar repairs & Modifications

Electric, bass & acoustic guitar repairs in Lincoln, UK

Guitar repairs in Lincoln – I learned to repair guitars out of necessity while gigging in function bands, as a guitar teacher, and while hosting the open mic night at Ozzy’s Sports Bar, in Shropshire (yes, Ozzy actually owned it), to try and make my guitars play, and sound as good as possible. It my aim with every guitar I work on. Essentially, string instruments are the same, whether acoustic, electric, bass, ukulele, banjo, or violin, they’re all subject to wear and tear!


Guitar Set-ups

When I started playing guitar, I’d never heard of a guitar set-up – my dad had just bought me my first guitar, a Mexican Stratocaster. I loved it, and in my naivety, thought it was as good as any other guitar in the music shop, but now, having played so many other guitars, I know it played horribly. My dad though, being traditional, told me “A good workman never blames his tools”. So, I persevered forcing the strings down, trying to play something that resembled a tune. Had I known that mass produced guitars were only given factory standard set-ups, being plays well for most, but not necessarily for everyone, my musical development might have gone smoother? Even a brand new guitar might not be not faulty, but might still benefit from being set-up to it’s optimal configuration, and to suit an individual player?

Guitar set-ups & maintenance in Lincoln, UK

Guitar maintenance

There are normally signs that a guitar has been played – worn, or lifting frets, grimy fretboard and strings, loose jack inputs etc Over time, with use faults like these naturally develop, and are inevitable of anything subjected to pressures, but ignore these issue, and problems like fret buzz, poor intonation, and lifting frets might occur, and repairs, like re-frets can be significantly more costly than a setup. Basic guitar maintenance isn’t beyond anyone’s capabilities. A couple of clean, lint free cloths, and some other domestic cleaning products, and a quick wipe down after playing will prolong wear and tear.

Basic set-ups from £50 – Get in touch for more information!

Cosmetic & Structural repairs

Ever leaned your guitar against your amp, certain that only an earthquake would knock it over, but sure enough, out of your peripheral, in slow motion over it goes, leaving a floor shaped dent on the head-stock, and devaluing your axe by several hundred quid? Well, you may not need to sell it for peanuts down the pawn brokers, and get a real job just yet? Some cosmetic or structural repairs aren’t as serous as they may look? For a free evaluation get in touch.

Cosmetic & Structural repairs

A common acoustic guitar issue, especially with 12 sting guitars, is bridge buckle, or bellying, where over time the tension of the strings pulls the bridge up, and away from the top, often causing significantly high strings, making the guitar almost unplayable. So, what’s the solution? Get out a hammer and chisel and get chopping, turning your beloved axe into firewood? NO! PUT THE HAMMER DOWN!;) A fairly straight forward, discreet, and affordable repair can be carried out with the adaption of a Bridge Doctor. Call today for more info.

Electrical repairs & Modifications

Hear an annoying noise when you plug in and play? Try not playing – worked for me!;) Chances are, it’s probably just a loose wire, a simple grounding issue, or the jack input has come loose? An easy repair using a soldering iron. For the pro’s – Need a new set of pick-ups installed, or different pots fitted? Call today to discuss your requirements